Sunday, June 16, 2013

The memories begin

My summer so far has consisted of allergies, Wyoming winds, late night talks with friends, a farewell or two, being nanny, and testimony building experiences.

But I'm looking for a little more. I think each girl dreams of that perfect summer that is so perfect they could write a novel about it. I want a boy to call me up randomly and tell me he has made plans. Of course if food is involved, that would make it even better. I eat a lot for a girl, I'm over it. And end  the night dancing under the stars. You see, that's how I express my thoughts. I'm not great with words. They all get jumbled up in my mouth and come out differently than planned. I also tend to lose the filter which stops me from saying things I shouldn't. But when I'm dancing it all seems to make sense. That's when time stops for me. We don't have to talk. Just dance with me. That's right, I'm asking you.

So maybe I have a few fantasy summer dreams. All girls do, and I think even guys. But when I look back, I've already began my collection of perfect summers moments. Like when Taylor called me and asked if I wanted to go do baptisms. There is something special about being baptized by your friend. Knowing I have worthy friends who can go on missions is amazing. I look up to these boys so much. I've also spent sometime sitting on the couch knitting a scarf for a soon to be missionary. It had been our inside joke forever, and I thought why not! So call me old lady, but I don't mind knitting. Great way to pass time! I've had wonderful conversations with a friend who is great at listening. I need someone like that. Someone who will actually sit and listen. I don't have a lot of people like that in my life, so I cling to them when I find them.

My summer may not be the storybook teenage summer, but it's MY summer. And it's just begun. Who knows, maybe I will find the guy who is willing to dance barefoot in the rain with me. And if not, I will call kelsie. That's what best friends are for. 

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