Saturday, April 27, 2013

And We Danced.

Well it was a big weekend.
It was the dance co concert.
It's been an exhausting week just in general. We were at the school everyday this week until about 9pm. But it all pays off. The concert was so wonderful! It is hard to put into words how good it felt to be on stage performing again. I've missed it more then you can imagine. Friday night concert was very emotional because it was the last time we would dance with the senior girls. More then half the team are seniors and I have a unique friendship with each one of them. They have all shaped the person I have become this year. You could say there were many tears before the concert, after, and even during the show. The duo I did with Devyn was an experience I will never forget. She has become a part of me that I will cherish. I was honored to share the stage with her. Overall, the best way to put it into words, is we stabbed this concert. Dance co style.

Before we went on stage, Aubrie had us dedicate our performance to one person. We wrote a letter to them, and we were supposed to keep them in mind throughout the whole show. I wrote my letter to Spencer. He has come to every single dance recital and I know he was there because he wanted to be. He loves watching me dance. So I dedicated my performance to him because I know he would have been sitting front row watching me, jus as happy as I was to be back on stage. Right before we went on stage, McCall came up to me and handed me a letter. She had decided to dedicate this last concert to me. I have grown up dancing with McCall since we were 3 and 4. We've performed together countless time. We've been to competitions together, performed in St. George, San Fran, Disneyland and now dance co together. Right after I tore my ACL I talked to the dance co girls about never taking dance for granted. It is a gift, not just something you should should expect. I guess that really touched McCall. In her letter she told me that ever since my injury she has had a different attitude with dance. She said she has danced for me every day since September 12th. Well we were bawling of course, and I just sat and hugged McCall after she gave me the letter.
 I'm blessed to have her as such a good friend.
I'm blessed to dance.
I'm blessed to have a healthy body.
I'm blessed to have trials.
I'm blessed to have a Father in Heaven who cares so much about me.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Life is great.

So much has happened lately that I don't know where to start.

God is constantly reminding me how precious life is. It's terrible that we have to be reminded this through the death of another person. With the suicide at our school, I've started to appreciate the people around me more. We had a candlelight vigil at the high school on Monday night in memory of Josh. I went with some of my best friends. That night as I was linking arms with two wonderful people, I began to see what love really is. I believe we have a hard time experiencing what it really means to love someone unconditionally in high school. But I gave one of my best friends a hug that night and I understood what it means to really care. In high school, if you have a best friend who is a different gender then you, people always say you will have a relationship. It's hard to grasp the concept of loving someone for who they are, but not wanting more then that friendship. But it's possible, I know it is. I've experienced it.

This week was choir tour for a lot of my friends. So I had the privilege the spend one on one time with some great people. Ashley and I hung out Friday. She never fails to make me laugh. I have so many memories with her. I almost have a heart attack every time I think about my senior year without her, but I'm grateful for all the time we have spent together. I spent a lot of time with my family as well. That was great. My cousin James is one of my best friends, and it's great whenever he comes and spends time with the family. I also got to hang with Logan a bit. It was fun to catch up with him. Some weekends I'm reminded that your teenage years are for growing up and learning lessons, and loving the freedom that comes with all this.

Prom was last weekend. I had a blast. Grant was such a fun date! He was a gentlemen throughout the whole thing. It was great to see Prom together after all the planning I had put into it. I'm so grateful for my junior council. I couldn't have done it without them. Oh and Mags never fails to brighten my day. And she has a really comfy bed that is great for sleepovers.

Dance co concert is next weekend. Pray for me. Let's hope my knee will be ready.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

6 months

Today marks 6 months.
To the day.
So it was the perfect day to go back to ballet.
I haven't worn a leotard and tights in over 7 months. I haven't done my hair in a ballet bun either.
But it all felt normal. It felt great.
I pulled my old ballet shoes out of my dance bag that haven't seen daylight since the day of the injury.
Hah they still smelled just as bad.
The studio still feels like home. I love all the hugs from the cute girls that I've missed so much.
It almost felt like I'd never been gone.
Then we started barre and the knee injury was obvious.
I still can't plie' very well and I'm unstable whenever I do the left side of barre.
However, none of that really matters. Because I was doing it.
I was back at ballet and trying my best.
I've still got a long road ahead of me, but I make progress each day.
You could see the little purple scar through my pink tights. You could actually see all 5 scars.
They don't bother me though. Just another thing to make me unique.

On the other hand, I picked up my prom dress today. I LOVE it. If my mom would let me, I would probably sleep in it. Things are all coming together. My date will be so fun, and after this Saturday I don't have to worry about planning this dance anymore.

We've been studying poetry in Mr. Lind's class. I've grown to love poems because of my dad. Well I've grown to just love English in general. My dad created a list of the 20 most important grammar rules and we spent some time one night going over it. I know it sounds weird, but that's completely normal in the Vernon home.

So here's the poem for the week.

A thought went up my mind to-day

A thought went up my mind to-day
That I have had before,
But did not finish,--some way back,
I could not fix the year,

Nor where it went, nor why it came
The second time to me,
Nor definitely what it was,
Have I the art to say.

But somewhere in my soul, I know
I've met the thing before;
It just reminded me--'t was all--
And came my way no more. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Stress Free

These past two weeks have been wonderful. The past month has been so stressful that now that my stress is gone, I feel like I could conquer the world.
So first good news , I will be an SBO next year. SBO secretary to be exact. I couldn't be more excited! I absolutely love everyone on the new council next year. It's all bitter sweet.
I've got the greatest friends. They really are there whenever I need them. The other weekend a couple of  us had a fire at Miles's. Just listening to the boys talk made me realize how lucky i am to call them my friends. They will be great missionaries. Every single one of them.
I went on a date with Adam the other day. I love spending time with him. We doubled with Connor and Jolene. The boys made dinner themselves. I was so impressed. I really need Adam to teach me how to cook. I could use a few lessons. He was such a gentlemen and I had a wonderful evening. Thanks Adam for making me feel so special.
We're in st George for spring break. It's so nice to get away and enjoy the sun. I love spending time with the family. Don't know what I'd do without them.