Saturday, April 20, 2013

Life is great.

So much has happened lately that I don't know where to start.

God is constantly reminding me how precious life is. It's terrible that we have to be reminded this through the death of another person. With the suicide at our school, I've started to appreciate the people around me more. We had a candlelight vigil at the high school on Monday night in memory of Josh. I went with some of my best friends. That night as I was linking arms with two wonderful people, I began to see what love really is. I believe we have a hard time experiencing what it really means to love someone unconditionally in high school. But I gave one of my best friends a hug that night and I understood what it means to really care. In high school, if you have a best friend who is a different gender then you, people always say you will have a relationship. It's hard to grasp the concept of loving someone for who they are, but not wanting more then that friendship. But it's possible, I know it is. I've experienced it.

This week was choir tour for a lot of my friends. So I had the privilege the spend one on one time with some great people. Ashley and I hung out Friday. She never fails to make me laugh. I have so many memories with her. I almost have a heart attack every time I think about my senior year without her, but I'm grateful for all the time we have spent together. I spent a lot of time with my family as well. That was great. My cousin James is one of my best friends, and it's great whenever he comes and spends time with the family. I also got to hang with Logan a bit. It was fun to catch up with him. Some weekends I'm reminded that your teenage years are for growing up and learning lessons, and loving the freedom that comes with all this.

Prom was last weekend. I had a blast. Grant was such a fun date! He was a gentlemen throughout the whole thing. It was great to see Prom together after all the planning I had put into it. I'm so grateful for my junior council. I couldn't have done it without them. Oh and Mags never fails to brighten my day. And she has a really comfy bed that is great for sleepovers.

Dance co concert is next weekend. Pray for me. Let's hope my knee will be ready.

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