Sunday, May 26, 2013


"I think I'd rather miss because I loved than never love at all. And I mean that with all my heart. Because the pain of missing someone is part of loving them. And I'd miss someone for a hundred years if it meant I got to love them for just a moment. Missing hurts, but loving is worth it. I will miss you, but that's because I love you. And to me, that's worth it." 
            -Calea Bagley

Last Friday was Cavestock. The biggest party at American Fork High. It really was one of the best nights of my Junior year. There is one thing that unites us as a school. That's music. It was the last Cavestosck with all my wonderful senior friends. I got a little emotional as the bands played and I danced with all my friends. I've always been one to have older friends than me. I guess it's because I like to think I am mature. But all these friends leave and part their separate ways. Boys going on missions and school, and girls doing the same. I will miss them all terribly. Yet like Calea said, to miss someone means you loved them. I could go through my senior friends person by person and tell you what they have taught me. I've learned to love people for who they are, to enjoy life to its fullest, to find time for yourself, to remember the importance of the gospel, have confidence in yourself, and many many more lessons. I feel like part of me is graduating with them on Thursday. I'm excited to see where these amazing people go. 

Elder Logan Cameron's farewell was today. He did an amazing job. He will be a fantastic missionary. It's always fun to go to farewells and see all of our classmates their to support. The gospel has the power to unite people. Like Logan talked about, it brings hope and and peace into our lives. It makes me wonder why we hold grudges against people, when we should all just be friends. I'm guilty of this myself. I'm working on loving people for who they are, instead of their actions and decisions. After all, we are all here for the same reason. To become perfected in Christ.  Because when I really think about it, I love all people I come in contact with. Each person I meet is so unique and has something I can learn from. They shape the person I become. I'm so excited to see all these missionaries grow in the gospel. I really am jealous. There is nothing more important we can do then devoting our lives to Christ. He's the way to true happiness. 

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