Sunday, May 5, 2013

Laughter really is the best medicine.

I love to laugh.
I always have.
I've actually been told I have quite a loud laugh, but I don't really mind. I try to find as many reasons as possible each day to smile and be verbal about how much I love the people and things around me. I've kinda got a loud mouth. I don't always think before I just start talking. That can sometimes get me in trouble. So I've focused lately on controlling my tongue. Instead of speaking ill about someone, or saying that sarcastic comment that may come off offensive, I smile and find a reason to giggle.

Here's just a few examples. I just found out that one of the people that has had the biggest influence on me this year is moving. This came as a huge shock. This lady really has changed the way I view everything. I wanted to be bitter, but I took the positive side. I remembered all the memories from this year, and I'm looking forward to the future.
I laugh a ton whenever I'm with Parker. The kid is like my brother. I'm so comfortable around him, and I know he will always be there for me.
There is always a lot of giggling when I have a girls night. We giggle about cute movie actors, how much food we eat, and how the boys at our school just all seem to cycle through the same girls. That's why I've given up on boys. The free single life has suited me much better. It's actually a lot more fun believe it or not.
I always laugh to point where I am almost in tears when I spend time with Mags. She's one of few people that really gets me. We've probably get annoying when we are in public together. We can say one word and we are both doubled over laughing. That's a sign of a great friendship. We also giggle about her long distance relationship, and my strange impulse lately to live in the moment. Needless to say, she knows my secrets.

I laugh about how my legs still aren't the same size.
I laugh whenever I try to park my big car. People who watch me usually laugh too.
I laugh how you and I still have a hard time carrying on a conversation after all this time.
I laugh about past memories. Or when people tease me about past memories. Like lying on the football field the other day and having someone yell that famous "one liner" at me. Yeah, I guess it's still funny. Even funnier is who was teasing me about it.
I laugh at how happy my best friend was when she called me to inform me that she is no longer VL. Welcome to the club, sister.

I smile whenever I notice how influential the gospel is in my life. Nothing brings me more joy. I'm jealous of these boys as I watch them get their mission calls. I don't know yet if a mission is right for me, but I do know that God has something great in store for me. And for you, and that kid in math class that really bothers you. Remember how much potential we all have. Love people for who they are. Laugh about the simple things. I sound preachy tonight, and I'm sorry about that. I just want you to feel this joy that I have found lately. 

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