Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My heart is full

You know when your heart is so full that it literally feels like it could jump out of your chest?
Welcome to my life at the moment.
I've been counting down the days until school ends, and now it has turned into the days until my life changes drastically. I said goodbye to my best friend on Monday. It was so much harder than expected. As I was driving to her house, all of our memories together flooded my mind. From dance class after dance class, double dates with our brothers, showcase tours, one amazing year at high school together, football games, recitals, fires in her backyard, girls nights, and a few good cries. We have been through it all. She's had such a large impact on my life that I have Sarah Judd to thank for me being the person I am today. Driving away from her house after we said goodbye made me realize the amazing capacity we have to love as humans. I never felt closer to her as I drove away.
There will be countless more goodbyes for me coming soon. It makes me so anxious. Am I really ready for this much change? I've become so comfortable with my everyday life and the people who are a part of it. Yet change is good. I've definitely learned that. But time is running out. And it's eating away at me. I've got so many dreams and plans, and my time is limited with people. I've learned a lesson recently. People aren't always going to agree with your decisions. Don't let that get to you. You know yourself better than anyone else. Well this whole post had just turned into a ton of my jumbled thoughts. If you are going to take one thing away from this mess, take this: enjoy every experience to its fullest. Don't ever waste time, because we don't have time to waste. Do what makes you happy, and that should be good enough for you and everyone else.

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