Saturday, March 9, 2013

And the mission calls continue...

Warning. This post may be a little dramatic. So if you don't want to read about friendship, love, tears, and pure happiness... I advise you to stop reading.

Thursday nights now hold a bitter sweet feeling for me. They are dedicated to mission call openings. This last week there were so many calls opened that I spent a good 2 or 3 hours house hopping to watch these wonderful boys open their calls. Some of the boys that have influenced me the most the past 2 years opened their calls on Thursday.

Frankfurt, Germany. Of course it's perfect for Adam. I am so happy for him. This kid has become one of my best friends this year. We have very similar personalities and he is always there to listen to me whenever I need to talk. We've spent hours sitting in my car talking about life and what the future holds for each of us. He's going places. That's all I can say. He has an amazing way of loving people for exactly who they are. This talent will help him so much on the mission. I'm so excited for Elder Mayne!

Miles opened his call as well. He's headed to New Zealand. What an amazing mission! The same place my best friend Sarah Judd is headed. It's hard to find someone who will be a better missionary than Miles. He has an amazing sense of how to interact and talk with people. He also has such a strong love for the gospel that is shows in everything he does. We have had our ups and downs, but I respect him so much. Also some of my favorite and memorable high school experiences include him. I got a text from the sweetest girl late Thursday night and she asked me if that mission call was as hard for me as it was for her. If you're reading this post you probably know me well enough to assume why she asked me that. I can honestly say that the only feeling I felt as he announced his call was joy. I am so happy for him and can't wait for him to get out in the mission field to have those amazing missionary experiences. I'm lucky to have Miles as a friend. Congrats Elder Farnsworth.

The missionary however, that I have thought the most about lately is Parker. I have known this kid for so long. We lived by each other when I was really young and then I moved. My family finally ended up in Highland and we were reunited with the Judds. Well Parker and I have become family. He really is my other older brother. The Judd family in general means so much to me. Sarah and I have a friendship that I can't even explain. All I can say is that the Judd family has blessed my life greatly. Parker will be serving in California. He talked about wanting to go foreign and I think he was a little shocked when he opened his call. But I know he is so excited and it is exactly where the Lord needs him. He leaves in July. That means in the next few months, Spencer, Sarah, and Parker will all be on missions. The three people who mean more than the world to me. Thanks goodness that I can write them. When I gave Parker a hug after he opened his call, I almost lost it. But I held back the tears. I don't want to be sad about these boys all leaving. I want to focus on the happiness and how great it is that they are sharing the gospel. I still smile whenever I think about Parker announcing his mission and the rush of the spirit that filled the room. The gospel is amazing and blesses my life daily.

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