Saturday, March 16, 2013

I don't know what to call this post...

Spring is in the air.
I can feel it in the sunshine, I can see it in people's smiles.
The spring continues to bring more change into my life. It just seems to never end. But it is good change.

More mission calls! Isaac is going to Indonesia, Alex is going to Japan, Kyle is going to Italy, and sweet Cordell is going to Hungary. These boys are all amazing and have had a wonderful impact on my life. They will be fantasic missionaries.

First part of StuCo elections are done. I wish I could say I was done with them, but I've still got two more weeks. Once again, I've learned the lesson that I'm not in charge of what happens in my life. Somethings I just can't control. I can control how I react though. So Thursday at 5pm when I didn't get a call, I didn't complain. Obviously it just wasn't meant to be, and that's ok. Yeah it was what I wanted, but as Jardine says, "suck it up." I'm not the only one dealing with this, so why act like it is so hard for just me. Plus I've never been one to self pity. I hate people seeing me that way. I would much rather them see a smile on my face and a sparkle in my eyes. That is how it should be.

I'm usually not one to second guess myself. But lately, I haven't been able to make up my mind. It's because my life is full on wonderful people. People who I absolutely adore. People who spend their Friday night's just with me and listen to me talk and talk. Somehow he knew that was exactly what I needed. I've had a lot on my mind lately and it's nice to be able to sit and tell someone everything that is happening. Plus I think he needed it too. One of my favorite things to do is learn about someones childhood. It explains so much about them.

 My sequoia has become special to me. Not because that car takes me everywhere, but because of the people that have been in it, and the conversations I have had. Hannah has sat in the front seat of my car with me more times than I can count. We've laughed, we've cried, and we've shared things with each other that only best friends would. Ashley has sat in that same seat as well and made my cry. I love how she is willing to tell me how it is, but she does it with so much love. Kelsie is the same way. We've been through many adventures in my car, but her car wins this one. For some reason we always end up in her car. There are many many more people. Parker, Connor, Maggie, and Adam to name a few. I'm so blessed to have these people as friends. They have shaped who I am.

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