Wednesday, March 20, 2013

You could say we're good friends.

First day of Spanish class. Second day of my sophomore year. My brother had told me that I had to meet him. I walk into class literally not knowing a single person. This is before heather discoverd her outgoing side, so I took a seat in the back of the room. Coach Lowe starts to call roll, and I hear him say, "Vernon?" I sort of mumble a response and raise my hand. Then from the other side of the room I hear his voice. "You're Spencer's sister! He told me to look for you!" You could say this is the beginning of a friendship that means the world to me. This is how the friendship of Connor and Heather started.
I was so lost for the first few months of my sophomore year. I was coming to a school where I knew no one. Somedays the only thing I had to look forward to is Connor saying hello to me. I don't think he will ever realize how much the simple things mean to me. Then he asked me to Winter Waltz. I felt like the luckiest girl. And I will admit, I had a huge crush on him. It's Connor Grigsby. How can you not?? He was so sweet to me throughout the whole date. It made me smile to see him blush when  he forgot to come up to my door for our day date. I still have the snowflake he made me when we went to jcws after. I wore Sarah's white dress and felt like a princess.
Then we both started to head in different directions. He had his girl, and I started to have a crush on a cute junior boy on the soccer team. We still were great friends, but it was hard to stay as close when i was labeled as "Miles's girl" and Connor had another girl he was chasing after. So we stayed friends, but it had complications.
The middle if February came and Connor asked me if I was interested in running for Stu co next year. I went out on a limb, and I ran. A few weeks later I was informed I'd be a member of junior council next year. Little did I know the affect this wonderful decision would have on me. School year came to an end, and so did relationships. Connor was the person I turned to whenever I needed advice. He reminded me of how beautiful I was, and how much I had to offer as an individual. We talked everyday throughout July and August. I spent my last day of summer with him. We bought batman tattoos and spent the last sunset of summer on his lawn.
Next thing I knew, we were juniors. We spent a lot of time together because of council. September 12. The day I tore my ACL. Connor was one of my biggest supporters through surgery and recovery. He spent countless days just sitting on my couch with me. Then once again, we began to drift. He fell for Jolene, and I rekindled a fire that had always still had a small flame. I kept my distance out of respect. I knew how much she meant to him and I could tell he was the happiest he had ever been. So we stayed best friends, we just had different commitments. So as I sat by Connor at lunch today I couldn't help but just smile.We've been through a lot together. The kid needs a friend right now and I owe him. But I'm not staying close to repay him, I'm doing it because I love my best friend. I love his laugh, our shared love for Star Wars, his cute green car, and his love of just bring himself. He reminds me everyday that it is ok to be different. It is ok to be yourself. Don't change Connor. You're perfect the way you are. Thanks for being my friend. 

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