Monday, February 25, 2013

My definition of "the best"

It hasn't been a typical Monday. 
We had a meeting today for everyone who is interested in Student Council next year. I had such a bitter sweet feeling in that meeting today. 
I also went to Showcase for a bit. As much as I love seeing how much I've improved over the past months, it also reminds me how far I have to go. 
I came home a bit discouraged today. Everything is so good, but everything is starting to change. 
I walked in the door from coming home from Showcase to find my dad sitting on the couch. I slumped down on the couch across from him and heaved a heavy breathe. He could tell I just needed to talk. We talked about elections, my current ACT score that I got today, dance, my friends, my relationship with my mom, and just how I was feeling in general. 
He asked me a question. 
He said, "what's the best thing about your life right now?" 
I honestly didn't know how to answer. There are so many good things about life right now. But how do I classify something as the best? How do I chose what makes me most happy? 
So I shrugged off the question and just asked him, "When is mom going to be home? I need something to eat and she's got dinner with her." 
Yet that question has been stuck in my head all night. It's been slowly eating away at me: and i realized why. I don't have an answer. There isn't a way to classify "greatness" in my life because it is found so often. 
I've been reflecting on my day and finding the great things. 
It was a great feeling to hand in my math test today after spending all of 2nd and half of 3rd period on it and feeling like I did the best I could. I was proud of myself. 
I wore my Sperry's today, and a scarf. I got a good parking spot and Devyn was the first person to greet me this morning. Kelsie is home from St. George. I smiled at 3 people I didn't know today and guess what... they smiled back. It's amazing what a simple smile can do. 
I was happy in dance co as I watched all of my best friends dance and laugh together. Those girls are like my sisters. 
I had an overwhelming feeling of love come over me sitting in the StuCo meeting listen to all my fellow members talk. I know they love me back. From Connor simply putting his hand on my knee to show he cares, to Maddie's sweet hugs, Cordell's way of knowing when I need cheering up, Maggie's amazing way of knowing how to make me laugh, Hannah's gorgeous smile, Adam constantly teasing me, and many many more. It's a great feeling to know that you have grown and learned so much along side these people. We have seen each other at our worst and our best, yet somehow only see the good in each other. These moments mean the world to me. 
I also cherish the moments spent with my family. Our love for looking up old movies on youtube, my dad playing the piano, our random dance parties, reading the Book of Mormon together, reading Elder Vernon's letters, and praying together. 
So here is an answer for you dad. 
What the best part of my life right now?
The fact that it changes day to day, yet I find a way to love every second of it. I love the challenges each day holds, and discovering new ideas and ways of loving other people. I love the fact that my life is unique to me and no one else knows what it is like to be in my shoes. I love that I have a Heavenly Father to guide me throughout my life. I love living in the moment. I love being me. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Good Music. Even Better People.

 Last night was the Talent Show at the high school. It was so wonderful.  Everyone did such an amazing job. Radio Flyers did great at usual. I always love listening to them play. Logan never ceases to amaze me with how comfortable he is on stage. But the band that won me over last night was Dutch and his Good Neighbors. They played Little Talks which is one of my favorite songs. Cordell's voice fit the song perfectly, and he made my heart swoon. I'm a sucker when it comes to singers. Maybe if I ask nicely he will serenade me while I do my math homework. I'm sure it would help. I've gotten to know Cordell quite well this year and I promise you won't find a more respectful, and kind hearted kid in AF. He always takes the time to make sure I am doing okay, and I can tell that he really cares. Our school is so full of talent and it was so fun watching people do what they love last night. Also I had the pleasure of sitting by Benjamin Johnson and listening to his side comments. I just love that kid.

 It was a pleasant suprise to see Mikey at the talent show as well! Her and Alex Fender are great friends so I get to see her quite often. We were absolute best friends through Junior High and I'm so glad that we have maintained our friendship even though we are at different high schools. She is always willing to listen to me, and she just seems to get me. Plus I love the way she dresses and she never fails to teach me new fashion trends.

I started teaching my dance yesterday in dance co!  I'm really excited about this dance. I put a lot of hard work into it and I can't wait to see it come to life when it's performed at the dance co concert. The senior's performed in their last half time this week. It was an emotional night for all of us. Dance Co will not be the same without them next year. I have really bonded with the seniors and they have become some of my best friends. I honestly don't know how I would have made it through this year without Devyn. We may be completely different people, but there is something about our friendship that just works; and works really well. That girl means so much to me.

And for your enjoyment and mine, here is a picture of Marcus Mumford. I'm still obsessed. It's fine. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Spanish Fork Friends

Welcome to Spanish Fork. It's pretty much the same as American Fork if you were wondering. The people are just as nice, and the snow is just as beautiful. Bonnie and I headed to Spanish Fork on Monday to spend the day with Tate and Austin. Actually we drove right past Spanish Fork  and ended up in Payson, but eventually we found where we were going. It was so much fun, and I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Those boys are so so great and I love having them as distant friends. It was also nice to catch up with Bonnie. Going to different schools makes it hard for us to hang out, but it's just like old times when we get back together.

My knee is finally starting to show improvement. I ran a mile today. My mom bought me new nike shorts yesterday, so I guess that helped give me the incentive to work out. New clothes seem to do that.  

Overall, things are just so so great right now. Like really. I've got wonderful friends, my knee is improving, I wore my new elephant shirt today, and the gospel is true. Can't stress that last one enough. Lose yourself in the gospel. I did, and I ended up finding myself as well. You could say I've got a different outlook on life then I did at the beginning of the school year. I'm so happy with being Heather. That's a great feeling. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Three Cheers for a great weekend.

Wow what a few exciting few days it has been. SO much has happened!

On Thursday my good friend Taylor got his mission call. It's crazy, but so great that boys can now get their calls while in high school. It kinda puts a whole new perspective for the last few months of high school for them. He got called to serve in the Oslo, Norway mission. It fits him perfectly. Taylor has a way of making friends with everyone. This will be something that really helps him in the mission field. He's become one of my closest friends this year and has been a huge support system through my injury. Right after surgery he was at my house all the time to make sure I knew I was loved and he was there for me. Through being on council together this year, going to Preference together, our many talks, and just being friends, I've come to really respect him and see how great of a guy he is. Couldn't ask for a better friend. Can't wait to hear the amazing things Elder Gunther will do in Norway. Three Cheers for Taylor Gunther.

Morp was this weekend! Oh my it was such a party. I had the pleasure of going with THE Logan Cameron. What a kid. He never fails to make me laugh and I loved every minute I got to spend with him. We went up to Salt Lake for our day date. We went to the Mummy exhibit that just opened. It was so amazing and definitely one of my favorite dates I have been on. We took pictures in the snow, which was freezing, and so ironic since the theme of the dance was Hawaiin. We went to Macaroni Grill for dinner. Best part? We pretty much got it free all thanks to Madi. The dance was great. I kinda go crazy at dances, and so does Logan, so that made the dance so much better. Our group was also amazing. I adore the girls that I grouped with, and the boys were so much fun. They were such gentlemen. All in all, one of my favorite dances so far. Three cheers for Logan Cameron.

Tomorrow is President's day... so no school! This long weekend couldn't have come at a better time. Tate and Austin may come down from Spanish Fork tomorrow. I love these boys. I love when they come to visit! Plus they are both cuties, so that makes it even better. Three cheers for Tate and Austin.

I'm pretty much the luckiest girl. I have the best friends I could ask for. I could talk for hours about how much I love kels. That girl inspires me. She inspires me to be myself and to love everyone. I don't know how I could make it through high school without her. I'm also lucky to have Adam as a close friend. That kid just gets me. I feel so comfortable around him. He loves the fact that I'm sassy and I've kinda got an attitude. He's also a huge tease. But I guess I deserve it. He's one of those people you can't help but just love. So three cheers for best friends and great guys.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Change is hard. Whether we like it or not, change happens. I'm just glad that I'm surrounded by so many wonderful friends. Especially kels. Our drives together may just be one of my favorite things.  Oh and a good cry. Those always help. If you ever need to just let your emotions out, go for a drive, turn on Fix You by Coldplay really loud, and just have a good cry. It helped me tonight. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


And this week has confirmed something about myself that I already knew: I'm independent. This independence is a great thing, at times. Other times it just causes me problems. I don't like other people seeing that I can't do something on my own. This also causes me to have trust problems. I just have a hard time really opening up to people because I hate people knowing my insecurities. So if I have opened up to you, I need to say thanks. Thanks for letting me have enough trust and faith in you that you will take me as I am and not judge.
I had a little argument this week with a friend about priorities. When I say priorities, I'm talking about  seeing different people as being the first priority. We had a different view on things and the conversation turned a little bitter. Part of the problem in this argument was my big head. When I think I'm right, it's really hard to change my mind. This is where I struggle with my pride issue. Pride and independence in my case go hand in hand. I've become so dependent on myself that I only trust my view on things. So I guess I've realized that I need to be more willing to trust others.  I have to admit it when I'm wrong. I need to take other people's opinions into consideration.
This is where my favorite Mumford quote comes in. The one at the top of my blog. People can make an impact on my life and teach me. But when it comes down to it, I'm the one who decides how I act and the  type of person I want to be. I call that independence. 

Friday, February 8, 2013

My spinning head and upset stomach.

I have so many emotions today. My heart and my stomach feel like a jumbled mess.
Today I remembered the value of life. It is so tragic that we are reminded of this by the death of another person. Life if precious. Never take it for granted. Actually, never take anything for granted. Each day has something new to offer, and sometimes you never get those offers back. Plus you don't know what the next day has to hold, so don't give up. We are told that every person has a purpose. I am a firm believer in this.  I may not be as great as the people around me, but no one is the same at Heather Vernon. I am my own person for a reason. It's because there are things that I can accomplish that only I can do. I wish everything could see their worth.

My stomach has also been upset today due to the fact that we talked about elections in student council. It seems like yesterday that I was calling Connor to talk about how excited we were to be on council together. This year has flown by, and I don't know if I'm ready for change. Change is good, but it's not easy.

I went to lunch today with Erika, Madi and Rachel. I adore all these girls so much! Like all girls, we got on the subject of boys. After discussing things, we all realized that we felt the same at the moment. We just need a break from high school boys. Don't get me wrong, some of my greatest friends are boys, but I'm done with these "high school relationships".  Because here is the thing. Boys and girls want different things when it comes to relationships. Girls simply want to feel wanted. Haha and if you thought of Hunter Hays when I said that, don't worry, so did I. They want the satisfaction of knowing someone cares for them and someone is there to listen and be there when needed. Now you find boys who feel this way, but they are the minority. For boys, when it comes to girlfriends, and how many girls they have kissed, it is a number. It's like this competition that no one admits to, but all boys know what is going on. It's funny how you will see a boy with one girl, and then the next month a different one. Best part is, it's usually the girls best friend, or even the boy's best friend's old girlfriend. (I know, that sounds confusing at first. Just read it slow). Now I realize this is high school. It's sticking a bunch of kids in one building and trying to get us to learn, to make friends, and to somehow feel good about ourselves. High school is about having fun, making memories, and having a sweetheart or two. But girls, remember that these are high school boys we are associating with. And boys, be kind to girls. We have fragile hearts. Actually, I really don't know what I'm saying here. Maybe I'm just trying to give a reason for boycotting relationships. I'm trying to give a reason to not being so quick to give my heart away. I'm giving a reason to only spending weekends with Kelsie. Because I don't need a boy to be happy. They usually actually end up making me feel the opposite way.

I'm the happiest I have been in a long time. You know why? Because I chose to be. I stopped caring what other people think and did what makes me happy. I take the long way home from school and blast music in my car. I don't listen to rumors and make a big deal about "who has kissed who" and people asking me how I feel about it. Because guess what... I don't care. And when I realized that about a month ago, I couldn't stop smiling. My happiness is finally something that I control. There are so many more important things. So not only am I boycotting boys, but I'm boycotting high school drama. Wahoo! Life is finally good again.

So as you can see, my thoughts are jumbled today as well.

I'm stil striving to give service daily, and those sincere compliments.
I'm still dressing in sweaters and collared shirts.
I'm still trying to mend friendships and make new ones.
I still have one leg smaller than the other.
I still want to go to ballet everyday.
I am still being Heather Vernon. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Road

I sit and think. Think about what it would be like to go back.
Not just a year back. But many years.
Back to my 7th grade year where all I knew about myself was my name.
I didn't know what I stood for, or where I wanted to go in life.
I didn't even know who to call my friends.
Then I look back and realize something. I wasn't the only person feeling this way.
We all go through a point in our lives where we are given the wheel.
The wheel to drive our life in whichever direction we choose.
The road varies for all of us.
For about 3 years I felt like I was driving in circles.
Thinking I finally found the right turn, but just to realize I ended back in the same place.
Then I realized something. I kept making right turns.
Do you know where a bunch of right turns get you?
Right back where you started.
So I tried something new.
I turned left.
I started trying things that were unfamiliar.
I started to understand people and love them.
I started to love myself. 
I started to be vulnerable.
But be careful. Too many left turns can do the same all all those rights.
You have to have a balance in all things.
A balance of thinking for yourself, and accepting the wants of others.
A balance of serving others, and taking care of yourself.
Do me a favor and while you drive, roll down the windows.
Play your favorite music and blast it until your ears hurt.
Feel the beautiful breeze on your face and the cool shiver down your spine.
Please don't forget to laugh. Laughter heals. Believe me. I know.
Throw your head back and smile. Smile until your cheeks go numb.
Because this is when you are most beautiful. When you are happy.
Take risks. Make quick turns and go down roads you have always wanted,
but feared due to judgement.
Make your own decisions.
The road is long. Long and always changing.
But you are the one who decides where you finally end up.
Don't dwell on the past. Keep your eyes forward.
And darling, keep that smile on your face and that glow in your eyes. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

What a weekend.

What a weekend it has been! This weekend we had our student council retreat. I've never laughed, cried, danced, and ate that much food all in the space of 2 days before. I've also never loved a group of people more than I love the student council kids. Each one of them is such a unique individual and has so much to offer. I learned about each one of them and what makes them the amazing person they are. Thanks Amber for letting us use your cottage, even if things did get a bit crazy at times. We had a formal dance and dinner on Saturday night and it was so fun to get ready with all of the girls and try on each others dresses. I must say Angi wore my prom dress better than I did last year. Overall, I come away from this weekend with a greater respect for people in general. You never know what a person has been through, or what they are dealing with, so just love everyone. Love people for who they really are.

I register for classes tomorrow. Senior year. Honestly never thought this would come, and here it is!! Don't know if I should be excited or nervous. I'm a bit of both.