Wednesday, February 13, 2013


And this week has confirmed something about myself that I already knew: I'm independent. This independence is a great thing, at times. Other times it just causes me problems. I don't like other people seeing that I can't do something on my own. This also causes me to have trust problems. I just have a hard time really opening up to people because I hate people knowing my insecurities. So if I have opened up to you, I need to say thanks. Thanks for letting me have enough trust and faith in you that you will take me as I am and not judge.
I had a little argument this week with a friend about priorities. When I say priorities, I'm talking about  seeing different people as being the first priority. We had a different view on things and the conversation turned a little bitter. Part of the problem in this argument was my big head. When I think I'm right, it's really hard to change my mind. This is where I struggle with my pride issue. Pride and independence in my case go hand in hand. I've become so dependent on myself that I only trust my view on things. So I guess I've realized that I need to be more willing to trust others.  I have to admit it when I'm wrong. I need to take other people's opinions into consideration.
This is where my favorite Mumford quote comes in. The one at the top of my blog. People can make an impact on my life and teach me. But when it comes down to it, I'm the one who decides how I act and the  type of person I want to be. I call that independence. 

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