Monday, February 4, 2013

The Road

I sit and think. Think about what it would be like to go back.
Not just a year back. But many years.
Back to my 7th grade year where all I knew about myself was my name.
I didn't know what I stood for, or where I wanted to go in life.
I didn't even know who to call my friends.
Then I look back and realize something. I wasn't the only person feeling this way.
We all go through a point in our lives where we are given the wheel.
The wheel to drive our life in whichever direction we choose.
The road varies for all of us.
For about 3 years I felt like I was driving in circles.
Thinking I finally found the right turn, but just to realize I ended back in the same place.
Then I realized something. I kept making right turns.
Do you know where a bunch of right turns get you?
Right back where you started.
So I tried something new.
I turned left.
I started trying things that were unfamiliar.
I started to understand people and love them.
I started to love myself. 
I started to be vulnerable.
But be careful. Too many left turns can do the same all all those rights.
You have to have a balance in all things.
A balance of thinking for yourself, and accepting the wants of others.
A balance of serving others, and taking care of yourself.
Do me a favor and while you drive, roll down the windows.
Play your favorite music and blast it until your ears hurt.
Feel the beautiful breeze on your face and the cool shiver down your spine.
Please don't forget to laugh. Laughter heals. Believe me. I know.
Throw your head back and smile. Smile until your cheeks go numb.
Because this is when you are most beautiful. When you are happy.
Take risks. Make quick turns and go down roads you have always wanted,
but feared due to judgement.
Make your own decisions.
The road is long. Long and always changing.
But you are the one who decides where you finally end up.
Don't dwell on the past. Keep your eyes forward.
And darling, keep that smile on your face and that glow in your eyes. 

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