Thursday, January 24, 2013

And It's Her Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Kelsie!

Today is Kelsie's birthday. She is sweet seventeen! You want to know how our friendship started? Well Connor asked me to Winter Waltz last year, and he asked me on the night Spencer opened his mission call. Kelsie came with him to help ask, so she ended up coming to watch Spencer open his call as well. Ever since then, we've been inseperable. We've been through it all together. All of my greatest high school memories involve Kelsie. Hah and I'm serious when I say that. Just to name a few:

1. Winter Waltz group
2. Prom group
3. Countless drive bys. (This is a bit embarrassing to admit)
4. Late night sonic runs
5. Long long phone calls. Especially after school dances.
6. Sitting on her couch listening to Travis give me advice.
7. Watching her play soccer.
8. Lunch trips
9. Birthday parties
10. We've had some good cries together.
11. Double dates.
12. We've had nights where we laugh so hard our stomach's hurt.
13. We are a bit of social media stockers. But that's normal, right?
14. Trying to survive math together.
15. Sending quotes to each other. Kelsie has a quote for everything.
16. Her hiding under the bleachers on that cold night after the stag dance.
17. Peter Pan
18. Listening to Taylor Swift and watching chick flicks together.

This is only the beginning of our long list of adventures. But I think some of my greatest memories with Kelsie are when we don't plan anything, and just spend time together. She is such a good listener and is always there when I need her. Oh and when it comes to boys, she is always right. I've learned not to doubt her. It's a lucky thing, finding a friend who really accepts you for who you are. I don't know how Kels puts up with me. I'm emotional, dramatic, I can be prideful, but I try my best to be the kind of friend she is to me. It's crazy to think I only met her a little over a year ago. But it's not time that makes a friendship strong. It's the genuine care and love you have for each other and everything in their life. High school is rough. Growing up is rough. However, having someone who you know you can always rely on makes things a lot easier. Thanks Kels for everything. Love you!

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