Saturday, January 19, 2013


It's finally happening. Two summers ago I was in San Francisco with my Showcase dance company. Spencer, my wonderful brother, wanted to come along. First, so he could see his sisters dance. Second, he wasn't going to miss out on spending a week in California with over 20 girls. One night Spencer, Sarah and I were talking about the future and what it holds. Spencer was so excited to serve a mission next summer and it felt like forever away.                    

Well now he has been out about seven months and I'm still adjusting to it. Sarah was talking about what she wanted to do with her future. She thought about serving a mission, but neither of us thought it would come this soon. Now she has her mission all to New Zealand and we are all growing up. My two best friends are dedicating time to the Lord and I couldn't be happier for them.

It's kinda scary how quickly time passes.
It seems like yesterday Spencer was starting his first day at AFHS. Well now I am half way done with my high school experience. I was talking to Adam at the Lone Peak, American Fork basketball game the other day about how different things would be if I went to Lone Peak like I was suppose to. I can honestly say going to AF was one the hardest, but most rewarding decisions I have ever made. I've been able to surround myself with amazing people who have taught me so much. I've always seen Sarah as my older sister I never had. Her testimony is so strong. As a little sophomore, she was the one who helped me get to know people at the school, and reach out of my comfort zone. When she opened her call, I couldn't help but cry. Not because I won't see her for so long, but because I am so so proud of her. She has made such an impact on me, and I don't know how I will ever repay her. It was such an amazing night. Plus to top it all off, I got to watch Pitch Perfect with some of my best friends after. It's hard to find greater boys than Adam, Kyle, Parker and Taylor. It makes me so happy that they all get to go serve missions as well really soon.  Also, Kiera never fails to make me laugh. I adore all these people. I just felt really blessed yesterday. The church is true. 

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