Friday, January 4, 2013

You Only Get As Much As You Give

Random fact: my legs are two different sizes. Due to the fact that I didn't walk on my right leg for at least 2 months, my pants are always baggy on the right side. I have got to experience this wonderful thing called physical therapy. My therapist is named Steve, and seriously is one of the funniest people I have met.  He also is concerned with my life out of therapy, which may sounds weird, but it's really not. During November I was invited to a dinner party. One of the fancy dress up type which I adore. I have a secret obsession with classy things, and so this party was right down my alley. Connor and I were going to the party together, but we had to stop by Fresh Market first because he had to get a dessert. So there we are both dressed up and I hear someone say, "You better have your brace on beneath that dress." Well it was Steve, and the first thing I hear when I come back to therapy is him wondering who the boy was. Good thing my mom was there to back me up when I said Connor was strictly one of my best friends. I'm lucky to have Connor as such a good friend. Oh and his love with Jolene is probably the cutest thing ever. Where I'm going with this is, there are a lot of people who have  helped me stay positive through this whole recovery. Steve is definitely one of them. He reminds me I only get out as much as I put in. My parents have been wonderful. My dad tore his acl when he was young, so he knows what it's like and has given me a lot of advice. Two more months, and hopefully I will be back out on the dance floor doing what makes me happy. I wish I could say I could throw on my pointe shoes come April, but I know it will be quite a while before I start worrying about blisters and bruised toenails.

I had a talk with a friend today. One of those good long talks, that you leave feeling like you've figured a few things out. I guess the past few months I've had a lot of experiences like this. My schedule has been the same for as long as I can remember. Go to school, go to dance, do homework, and occasionally try to be social. Well ever since September 12, I've had a lot of time for I guess you could call it "self discovery". I think everyone goes through this at one point. But during this talk today things sorta clicked. It goes back to what Steve told me about my knee. You only get out what you put in. If I want someone to treat me a certain way, I also have to treat them correctly. Effort goes both ways. That's the funny thing about people. We sometimes just expect things to happen to our advantage. At least I think that way. I always think the only karma that will hit me is good karma. Hah that's a lie. Karma has kicked me in the butt lately. My friend told me to look at things through other people's eyes. Try seeing it from their point of view. This friend seems to know me better than I know myself sometimes. Maybe because I'm easy to read. We talked a lot about trust. Trust is one of those things that  really is earned. It can also be lost very quickly. You just come to realize who you can trust and what they are telling other people. None of this really makes sense. I don't quite understand everything I am learning, but I know I will eventually. Best part of all of this is I realized I am happy. Like really happy. Sure, things aren't perfect. But happiness is a choice. There are people who I've pushed away without even trying. So here we go! I miss friends and like I said, it's up to me. It's never too late to save a friendship. Especially one that you have ruined yourself. So I need to thank Miss Denney for giving me some clarity today. She's absolutely wonderful.  

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