Sunday, January 27, 2013


What I should be doing

I should be doing my homework
      but instead I'm reading blogs of beautiful people.

I should wake up early some mornings to shower
     but I usually just go to school with my hair half up.

I should be dancing everyday
    but I CAN'T because God has given me a trial.

I should just forgive and forget
    but sometimes that is harder than we think.

I should say, "We're in high school, so do what you want."
     but I know that there is a greater picture and plan.

I should be a better friend
    but sometimes I tend to focus on only myself.

I should be praying morning and night
    but sometimes I fall into bed without praying.

I should be kinder to my family
    but sometimes I'm just a stubborn teenager

I should be visiting my Spanish Fork friends more often
   but life is just crazy.

I should be starting to plan for prom and be doing my job
   but starting to plan scares me.

What I shouldn't be doing

 I shouldn't be caring what others think
    but that's hard in high school.

I shouldn't be getting bad grades
    but I am trying my best.

I shouldn't have to miss ballet everyday
    but things take time.

I shouldn't be judging others
    but that can be hard.

I shouldn't stress about the future
    but I'm a control freak.

I shouldn't have frizzy hair
   but you can't have it all.

I shouldn't have an addiction to Junior Mints
   but well.... I actually see nothing wrong with that one.

I shouldn't hurt peoples feelings
   but sometimes we lose sight of the most important things for a moment.

I shouldn't have an addiction to Mumford.
    but YES. YES I should.

I shouldn't have crushes on boys where there is no chance
   but I'm 17.

Isn't it funny how even though we know what we should be doing and what is right, we don't do it?  That's called independence, my dear. That's called thinking for yourself and using this wonderful thing we have been given called agency. That's called life is beautiful and short, so love the people you are surrounded with. Don't hold onto things that won't matter in a month or two. See the big picture. See that God is good and he loves you.

Choose to be happy.

Not just happy though.

Choose to thank your Heavenly Father for all of your blessings. Choose to show your friends you really do care. Choose to spend time with your family. Choose to smile EVERYDAY.  Choose to have those days where you wake up late and rush to get ready, but still feel beautiful at school. Choose to look past people's flaws, because you have just as many. Choose to love. Choose to give service daily.

But most importantly.

Choose to love yourself.

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