Friday, January 18, 2013

Sometimes People Are Beautiful

“Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.” 

Everyone has an idea of what they think is beautiful. For a long time I saw beautiful as the girl who turned all the heads of the boys at school. That's what I wanted to be. However my whole image of what beauty is has changed. I've realized that I am surrounded by beautiful people. Don't get me wrong, I have gorgeous friends, but not just because of their outer beauty. Ashley never fails to make me laugh. She has a gorgeous smile. Hannah always makes sure I know she loves me. Kelsie is the best example I could ask for. Rachel always listens and gives wonderful advice. McCall will drop whatever she is doing to help me. Maggie reminds me to have fun in life. Adam reminds me to really care about people. Taylor shows me the importance  of never judging before you know someone. I could go on and on. The people I am surrounded by teach me so much. I hope they know how grateful I am. Never take people for granted. 

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