Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Simple Things

I've been so stressed this week. Like wanting to scream and pull my hair out. Which is not good because my biggest fear in life is losing my hair. I know that sounds weird. But it's the truth. My grades this term have been really hard to keep at an A. I will probably be ending the term with a b+ which hurts, but I tried my best so I'm not too upset.
I've also been stressed because our dance co proposals were due this week. Huge thank you to McCall for dancing for me. She's always more than willing to help and I thank her for that. So Devyn texted me today and said she is interested in doing a duet for us. It's about going through trials but always knowing there is someone there to rely on. Devyn and I have become really close since we both have had injuries this year. We've been there for each other in our lowest point. So you could say I'm a little excited. Actually a lot. I'm excited to work on this piece. I'm just excited to dance again. 3 months, please go by quickly.
Today I had one of those experiences where the spirit talks to you, and you don't realize it until after. My sweet friend kelsie has had a rough week. I could just tell today that she needed to be reminded she was loved. I was driving home from school and all of a sudden I had the strong impression to stop and buy kels a cupcake. So i stopped by Dippidees and bought her one, wrote her a note and left it at her house. She told me later today that it was exactly what she needed. It's moments like this when I realize The Lord really does care about the little things in our life. Buying kels a cupcake was such an easy thing, but I can tell it really meant a lot to her. So listen to the promptings of the spirit. The Lord is always there.
Oh I got asked to the Heros dance! I think I've talked to Bryce like once before, but I've heard he is a great kid and I'm super excited. I'm excited to make a new friend! 

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